Prof. H. A .Hanni , SSEF-(3)(八)經熱處理後的藍寶,現在成線狀的白點,其原來是二氧化鈦的針狀物。現在因為內部鈦的擴散,造成藍色雲狀物,致色的鐵與鈦因此成對形成。(大約30倍)Fig.8Heat treated sapphire with ex-rutile needles, now lines of white spots. The internal diffusion of Ti creates blue clouds where coloring Fe/Ti paits were formed. Magn.approx. 30x, Photoc H.A Hanni , SSEF(九)這圖片顯示出圖一紅寶中部分的構造。填充裂隙已到達寶石的表面,所以原先在裂隙侵入表面(大概20倍)之前,比較大的空洞是看得見的。Fig.9The pictures show part of the structures from the ruby of Fig.1. Where the healed fissure reaches the surface, relatively coarse voids are visible before the former fissure dips under the surface.(approx. 20). Photoc H.A Hanni , SSEF(十)熱處理紅寶(灰色)和玻璃助熔劑殘餘(亮)及氣體和縮小氣泡(黑色)。原先的裂紋仍然清晰可見,同時在玻璃殘餘之間形成新的(合成)剛玉。掃瞄電子顯微鏡的圖片,圖片的寬度大約1.5mm。(巴索大學電子顯微鏡實驗室)Fig.10Scanning election microscopic (SEM) picture of a heat-treated ruby (grey) with glassy flux residues (bright) and gas and shrinking bubbles (black). The traces of the former fissures are clearly visible, also the newly formed portions of (synthetic) corundum between the glassy residues. Width of the picture is approx. 1.5 mm . Picture c SEM Laboratory of Basel University .(十一)圖顯現裂縫填充紅寶熱處理,在助熔劑協助下產生的過程。這合併處理的目標,是在迫使裂隙癒合,除了造成很小部分的合成紅寶外,玻璃質助熔劑的殘留物,和最後脫玻化作用產物全都落入寶石縫隙中。Fig.11Diagram displaying the processes occurring with flux assisted heat treatment of fissured ruby. Main target of the combined treatment is the forced healing of the fissures. Besides of the creation of minute portions of synthetic ruby small residues of glassy flux and eventually devitrification products are trapped in the stones. c SSEF.
- Dec 05 Mon 2011 23:50
Prof. H. A .Hanni , SSEF-(3)